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Tutorial Programme 2022 (Online) at University of Oxford, UK (15)

author: Zuo Fengyuan Date: 2022-05-20 View:

I gained a lot from 2022 Oxford Tutorial. I am very grateful to the platform provided by Jilin University and the teachers of Oxford University.


I am very grateful to study pre-Socratic philosophy with Professor Sorabji. He is very knowledgeable and patient, and other teachers are very gentle. In this project, I gained a lot of new knowledge and academic research methods, and my oral English has also been improved. We had a very great time in discussing Zeno, Parmenides and Anaxagoras. During the communication, we not only discussed the Zeno paradox in depth, but also studied Aristotle's views on the former Socratic philosophers and other interesting issues. The one-to-one communication between Professor Sorabji and us enables us to accept knowledge more directly, and it is more convenient for us to ask questions. The efficiency of the whole classroom is very high without making us nervous and flustered. Professor Sorabji has always been very gentle. When we can't express our thoughts smoothly because of our poor oral English, he always confirms it again and again with a smile. When we encounter difficulties, he will also think about ways to solve problems with us and try to express his thoughts in the simplest English. This impressed us. We got not only knowledge, but also a calm attitude from Professor Sorabji.


In short, I benefited a lot from this activity, which made me more determined to do academic research. Once again, I thank the Department of philosophy of the school of philosophy and society of Jilin University for giving me the opportunity to have a one-on-one dialogue and exchange with world-famous professors. I learned a lot from it.I highly recommend that younger students take part in such activities bravely.