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Tutorial Programme 2022 (Online) at University of Cambridge, UK (12)

author: Jiang Jianan Date: 2022-11-23 View:

It was a great honour to take part in the University of Cambridge's Academic Enhancement Programme in Philosophy and to study online with Cambridge teachers for over a month.


The programme was very well organized. Before the course started, the teacher in charge of the project posted the course rules on Trello's course board, informing us of the information dissemination mechanism and the attendance system.


Pre-reading materials, including the syllabus and reading list, were also posted in advance.

Before each class, we were provided with a copy of the professor's course materials for immediate pre-reading. After class, we were also asked to participate in the course clock in time to report on our recent learning.


The course I attended was Philosophy of Science, which consisted of five specialist classes and two critical thinking classes.



In the five specialist sessions, we studied Demarcating Science, Scientific Revolution and Progress, Science and Values, Realism and Goals of Scientific, and  Beauty In Science.

Through the professor's careful explanations and answers to questions, I slowly came to understand "What is science? How should science develop?" I gained a deeper understanding and learned a lot of important theoretical knowledge. During this time, I have not only gained professional knowledge, but also improved my English language skills. Now I can gradually keep up with the professor and discuss philosophical issues with her in English. In addition to this, I feel that reading books in foreign languages has become much easier.


I have also met two other students during the course who have helped me a lot in my philosophy of science and English studies.


I am very grateful for this programme, which has allowed me to grow in all aspects. Not only did it improve my study skills and subject knowledge, but it also broadened my horizons and gave me a better sense of the differences in teaching styles and models between Chinese and foreign universities. I have become more courageous in expressing my feelings and more diligent in completing my daily tasks. After the course, I will continue to strengthen my studies in philosophy of science and English, continue on my long journey of study.