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Tutorial Programme 2023 (Online) at University of Oxford, UK (4)

author: Yu Yuying Date: 2023-05-04 View:

Very grateful have the chance to join in this course. The tutor really help a lot for me. I was encouraged to read beyond the facts, to make my own assumptions and to prove and disprove theories. Another shock was for me that now-for the first time-my opinion actually mattered. Rather than simply regurgitating the textbook, tutors were asking me what I thought. These public debates are not lousy cliches. They are often factual and controversial, from personal responsibility in global warming to the ethics of mandatory voting, as we broaden our horizons and fall deeply into the fascination of political philosophy.



In the discussion, we can get familiar with the academic vocabulary and common usage in the professional field and improve the oral English expression ability. At the same time, we also expand our international perspective and understand the academic trends and cutting-edge research status in the professional field. We all believe that a tutorial relies on the exchange of ideas, so each of us need to be ready to present and defend opinions, accept constructive criticism and listen to others.