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Tutorial Programme 2022 (Online) at University of Oxford, UK (2)

author: Li Mingze Date: 2022-05-20 View:

Im very honored that I can say something about this project, since I have been benefited so much that I was almost reborn of philosophical studies, a bit of an exaggeration.


Philosophy, as an activity, scholarship, and scholarship in reality, cannot be constructed without the traces of its own implementation in reality. Although the power of modern science, according to Strvens, lies precisely in not understanding its objects, and mathematical ontology, according to Badiou, cannot be understood, as Gabriel puts it, the structure of uninterpreted structure cannot be the essence of what there is. Therefore, we must know what is philosophy, even just get to know in process, rather than that simply put, “I don't know”, seeming to make oneself being someone to be given the name of Socrates. For Chinese, the foreigner of “philosophy”, it means to know its history, at least its actuality in “Western” world. “Entering the country with enquiring its forbidden, and entering the countryside with following its customary”, it is the same to study philosophy.


My project was in the direction of German classical philosophy, and my tutor arranged materials for my group on Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Marx, Cohen, and Foucault. I can responsibly say that it has benefited me a lot. In fact, I was not only get access to an efficient understanding of this part of the philosophical figures and the content that is essential to the understanding of their doctrines, but also opened my horizons for philosophical study and research. This was a big help for my later studies in areas of interest to me. It is no exaggeration to say that it opened the way for my philosophical study. As for other aspects, such as the ability to retrieve resources in the English-speaking world, professional English ability, professional writing ability, etc., it is also of great help.