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Tutorial Programme 2022 (Online) at University of Cambridge, UK (16)

author: Zong Shuxin Date: 2022-11-23 View:

Time flies, and the Cambridge course lasting more than one month has ended. I would like to sincerely thank Dr Milena Ivanova for her teaching, and hope that I can have the opportunity to go to Cambridge to pursue further education with professor in the future! In this course, I learned about scientific methodology, scientific revolution, values in science including gender bias, scientific realism, aesthetics in science and other related science and technology philosophy, which broadened my vision, enriched knowledge reserves, and solved some difficult problems arising from my previous study of science and technology philosophy. It is also a great honor to learn critical reading and critical writing from the professor of Imperial University of Technology.




In addition, it also improves my ability of English expression and communication. I gradually realized that the real significance of philosophy of science and technology is to solve practical problems in real life and provide intelligent solutions for the benefit of mankind. Besides,science and technology are not cold things. They are related to aesthetic values. This is also the greatest driving force for scientists to constantly make new scientific and technological inventions and theoretical discoveries, which is the pursuit of beauty.I am very delighted to have a deeper understanding and research of my favorite field of scientific aesthetics under the guidance of the professor, and to tell my understanding of simplicity in scientific aesthetics in the presentation of the final examination.



The only regret is that due to the limitation of course time, there is no opportunity to have more and more in-depth communication and consultation with professors. I hope there will be opportunities to continue learning with professors in the future. Thanks again for all the professors who have contributed to this project!I hope everything goes well with the professor. I hope everything goes well with you!