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Academic exchanges at Seoul National University, POK (15)

author: Zhou Jiaqian Date: 2019-12-18 View:

First of all, I am very honored to have this opportunity to study and exchange abroad. Because it is the first time for me to go abroad, I cherish this hard won opportunity even more. Although the time of this study is only seven days, both professional knowledge and cultural collision of different countries are precious memories and wealth in my long life in the future.And each day is full of curiosity and exploration, as well as novelty and challenges. There is not only the desire for foreign professors to impart knowledge and share views, but also the confusion and breakthrough of their own thinking and research. In this process, I not only have different understanding of my major, but also have practical experience and understanding of Korean culture. It has also cultivated my ability to think, communicate and exchange information, which is far more important than the dead knowledge in books. By discussing and sharing views with others, I can realize the diversity of different people's thinking, the multiple perspectives and multiple entry points of consideration. A thousand readers have a thousand Hamlets. For the same problem, because of the different educational background, history and culture, and personal experience, everyone has unique views. At the same time, I also felt the excellent scientific research quality of Korean researchers, the divergent thinking ability of Korean students, and their attitude towards their studies. Through this project, I feel more and more confident, have a sense of responsibility, responsibility and independence, and feel really mature in academic. Even if I encounter difficulties in my study and life in the future, I will not shrink back or avoid any more, and truly achieve academic self-confidence. In a word, I once again thank the school and teachers for giving me the opportunity to learn, which has increased my knowledge, practical ability and interpersonal skills.