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Academic exchanges at Seoul National University, POK (11)

author: Yang Suning Date: 2019-12-18 View:

I am so lucky to take part in short-term cultural exchange activity to visit the Seoul National University between the 1th of December and 7th of December 2019.The conference will aim to strengthen the academic cooperation between Jilin University and Seoul NationUniversity.I would like to thank my teachers for giving me the opportunity to join this conference. Although the time of this study is only seven days, but we have a rich and varied schedule. Such as exchange with foreign students, the visit to the library, the early morning visit to the study room and other activities. The wonderful lectures of Korean professors have improved their professional level, and they need to work harder to find their own shortcomings. We also visited a nursing home and a family welfare hall, which are guanyue district nursing home and Shanyi welfare hall under the jurisdiction of guanyue District, both of which are established based on the support of the government. This activity has a very close relationship with our profession. Through the field visit, we can get a more intuitive understanding of the situation of Korean pension welfare. At the same time, I also felt the excellent scientific research quality of Korearesearchers, the divergent thinking ability of Korean students, and their attitude towards their studies. We also attended a lecture brought to you by a lawyer from Queens, the United States, and also felt the class of Korean University. She talked about the rescue measures for the fugitives and the women who have been subjected to domestic violence.

During the one-week trip. both professional knowledge and cultural collision of different countries are precious memories and wealth in my long life in the future. I receive a lot and I deeply felt the rigorous academic atmosphere and positive attitude to study. This trip not only broaden my academic horizon but also improved my academic attitude. It has a great impact on my life and I feel more confidence than before.