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Academic exchanges at Oxford University, UK (8)

author: Wang Tianhong Date: 2019-12-02 View:

Oxford University is an unrealistic dream that every student has had.I’m very pleasure dad this dream is reality now.

Even though it was only a week, it made us recognize the charming of this excellent university.

On the first day, it began with a lecture introducing Oxford and the United Kingdom, which helped us know the etiquette of the UK, the academic level and the life of Oxford.  Even I heard about it before, it still made me learn a lot. In the afternoon, we visited the campus of Oxford University: after the rain, the wet soil, admiring the intact monuments.

The next day, we listened two lectures. The first is “What Do We Deserve? The Ideal of Justice and Social Distribution. ”The second is "Philosophy as a Way of Life: Philosophical Counselling and Modern Malaise”, which reaching the practical significance of philosophy.

It is a very unique feeling that visiting the exhibition exhibits and enjoy the magnificent history of different countries and different nationalities.

The fourth day is a trip to Cambridge. In the morning, I discussed the scientific research of “kill or leting die” and visited the Cambridge campus in the afternoon. I saw Newton's apple tree, Hawking's College and Wittgenstein's thinking cabin here.

The last day came up with three lectures. Although it has reached a period of exhaustion, everyone discussed with a high enthusiasm. The first lecture was a classic topic about Aristotle. The second lecture was a topic about feminism and the third was the role of the ethics in our contemporary society.

The Oxford experience has benefited me a lot. Not only did I learned a lot from Oxford no matter philosophy or study methods, but also made new friends and broadened my horizon. I am looking forward to having a chance again!