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Academic exchanges at Seoul National University, POK (4)

author: Fu Jiaping Date: 2019-12-18 View:

First of all, I would like to thank the teachers for giving me the opportunity to participate in this short-term cultural exchange activity in South Korea. Secondly, I would like to thank the teachers and students who have paid silently in this trip. Everyone has worked hard. Especially, I would like to thank the volunteers of the China International Students Union of Seoul University for helping us a lot. As far as this cultural exchange is concerned, it has a profound impact on me. On December 1, we set out for Seoul, South Korea.

On the morning of December 2, we first visited the comprehensive nursing home in guanyue district. After listening to the introduction of relevant principals, we learned about the current situation of the public nursing home and the elderly care in South Korea. The comprehensive nursing home in each district of South Korea is for all the elderly over 60 years old in the district. The funds mainly come from the support of the Seoul municipal government and the city and a small part of the raised income. The medical care mainly includes the body Examination and day care. The elderly pay almost nothing for themselves. They need to take care of themselves, except for a small part of their meals. Then the elder sister in charge led us to visit the nursing home. What impressed me most was that there were a lot of grandparents who were really in a good mental state. Some consulting work in the nursing home would also be done by the elderly to improve their sense of participation. On the afternoon of December 2, we visited the "imperial palace" - Jingfu palace in South Korea. Listening to the guide uncle's explanation and looking at the ancient buildings, we were surprised at the wisdom of the ancient working people. Compared with the magnificent imperial palace in China, I think the ancient buildings in South Korea are more refined. Some fine designs of strokes and eaves are really beautiful! On the morning of December 3, I mainly visited the library of Seoul University. Because the library has been built in recent years, its facilities are very complete and modern. There are self-study areas, discussion areas and a very rich collection of books. On the afternoon of December 3, I first visited the Institute of social welfare. Director Jin shuohao gave us a detailed introduction of the Institute. Then I listened to Professor Zhang and Professor park's lectures, and learned about the development and research status of the Research Center for social and development of Seoul University. Professor park also brought you a wonderful lecture on the analysis of the causes of low fertility in South Korea, mainly including the economic development, gender inequality and the promotion of the maintenance cost. On the morning of December 4, a symposium was held with Chinese students from Seoul University in South Korea to discuss academic issues related to social security and share their experiences in the process of studying abroad. On the afternoon of December 4, I listened to Mr. soo Kyung Nam's analysis on the refugee policy of the trump government in the United States, and benefited a lot. On the morning of December 5, we visited a comprehensive well-being hall in guanyue district. It is said that one well-being hall will be set up in the gathering place of every 100000 residents. There are five comprehensive well-being halls in guanyue district. The hall we visited is facing a large area of demolition, so there are not many people in recent years. In addition to focusing on the elderly, the hall also focuses on children's issues. In general, the services and activities of the comprehensive welfare hall are very rich, covering all groups and meeting the needs of all levels, which is worth learning from in China. In the afternoon of December 5 and December 6, we visited Lihua women's University, Yanshi University, Hongyi University and chengjunguan University successively to experience the exotic campus culture. The buildings in the school have different characteristics, modern and ancient collision, and some European style buildings. On December 7, we returned to Changchun.

Seven days of academic exchange activities left me with too many precious memories. I had a taste of the customs and customs of South Korea different from China, and understood the policies and current situation of social security in South Korea, especially the elderly care services. It has a great impact on the next learning and life. Under the similar historical background and culture, we can learn from the advantages of South Korea's policy-making, and then consider China's national conditions, formulate appropriate policies to provide comprehensive and humanized services for the public and improve their well-being.