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Academic exchanges at Seoul National University, POK (9)

author: Wang XingYun Date: 2019-12-18 View:

12.1 Arrive in Seoul, South Korea

12.2 Visit guanyue comprehensive nursing home to have a preliminary understanding of the model of Korean nursing home, so as to make a comparison with China in the future.

Main sources of funds for nursing homes: public government grants, district support, and fund-raising

Age standard for the elderly: 60 + elderly people in Seoul can participate in relevant activities (all day activities)

Lecturer standard: imparting social experience and self experience

According to the results: actively interact with social participation of the elderly, provide day care (carers, nurses), provide medical services but not very professional, dementia elderly care center, specialized medical services

There is no medical center in the welfare center itself, which regularly checks the health and physical examination of the elderly, and provides medical education and assistance for the elderly with Parkinson's disease.

12.3 As a trainee of Seoul University, Professor Zhang introduced the development and research status of the Research Center for social and development.

I learned that the students of Seoul University are working very hard. After listening to the experience sharing of local students, I know that their efforts and gains are in direct proportion. Before the end of the term, we will make a three-point report in a week; before the class, we must preview and actively ask questions in class; the professor will grade the students' usual scores according to the questions raised by the students; language barriers, etc.

12.4 Have a discussion with Chinese students from Seoul University and give a lecture at Asia Institute.

Local students are very active welcome us, also heard a lot about the experience and experience of studying abroad, studying abroad is not a simple thing, if not handled properly, you may be expelled. The lecture in class is very objective. It's all in English. Students are also very active in participating and asking questions. I listened to the lecture of the Institute of social development on the theme of low fertility. Behind the problem of low fertility in South Korea lies the social root of gender inequality between men and women. I also listened to the refugee policy of the United States and got a preliminary understanding of the refugee policy of the United States.

12.5 Visit nursing homes in the morning and three universities in the afternoon.

Compared with the first day, the visiting nursing home is not so large in scale and complete in facilities, but we attach great importance to our arrival. At the door, I wrote a sign to welcome the social security team of Jilin University, and this nursing home is more humane. There are many works and paintings of the elderly and children on the wall, which is very lively.

The universities visited in the afternoon are all well-known universities in South Korea. I learned about the customs and teaching characteristics of each school, the school and the school

Each has its own characteristics, which helps us better understand Korean education.

12.6 Visited the National Central Museum.